
I am lucky enough have experienced much in the world, not in a sanitized, all-inclusive resort kind of way, but down in the trenches - the bad, the good, the ugly, & the beautiful. I hail from Pennsylvania and currently reside on the edge (for now) of San Antonio, TX with my wife (a Texan), two beautiful step-daughters, a Chow-mix rescue named Sophie, and two rescue cats (with the docked ears to prove it) - Austin and Sebastian. In between I have lived in Sicily, Rota, Spain, and Yuma, AZ. I guess that year in Kosovo should be included too.

I work as a Sr. Linux SysAdmin contractor for the government. Previously, I have worked as a Systems Designer, a Programmer/Analyst (Plone/Python), and a Support Tech in higher education and the private sector. I have had the privilege of being able to go back to school and finish my BA as an adult. I love learning and I love IT - basically I feel pretty damn lucky.

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